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Participatory Development Initiatives(PDI ) Media Corrdinator Faheem Raza & Research officer Saleem Abbasi on 30 , 05,2012 Wednesday held
meeting with Muhammad Usman Mehsud Assistant commissioner of Mirpurkhas
District which was held at his office .
Reevised District Disaster Contigency Plan for
year 2012 , Early Warning System , ongoing work on canals , Nullahs , and to strgethen the role of DDMA came under
discussion in the meeting .
PDI Media Corrdinator in brief
descripation inform district offical
regrading the Participatory Development Initatives ( PDI ) research and advoacy , and relief emergency work done
by PDI during Pre- Disaster situtaion , during disaster siutation and after
post floods .
Saleem Abbasi PDI research officer told Assistant Commissionaire that PDI has established a voulnters network for rain flood affected communities , Peoples Accountability Comssion on Floods in which rain affected communities , civil sociecty representatives including academicians , water experts , agricultural experts and rain affected communities members joined hands with PDI to hilight those issues of rain affected comunitites which were unadreesed by government as well as humanitarian relief agencies after passage of nine months to rain flood of 2011 havoc . He added that PDI has strong believe in participatory approach and without involving people voice in development work being carrried out by government could not be proved sustainable .
Saleem Abbasi PDI research officer told Assistant Commissionaire that PDI has established a voulnters network for rain flood affected communities , Peoples Accountability Comssion on Floods in which rain affected communities , civil sociecty representatives including academicians , water experts , agricultural experts and rain affected communities members joined hands with PDI to hilight those issues of rain affected comunitites which were unadreesed by government as well as humanitarian relief agencies after passage of nine months to rain flood of 2011 havoc . He added that PDI has strong believe in participatory approach and without involving people voice in development work being carrried out by government could not be proved sustainable .
Saleem Abbasi informed Muhammad
Usman Meshud that PDI has released more than 21 rserach reports on issues of
rain affected people and widely disseminated it among lawmakers , concerned
government officals , civil sociecty activits and held series of consluations
meetings with concern government officals and legislators .
He added that riverine flood in 2010 and rain flood in
2011 dvestation gave a apportunity to government and civil sociecty
represntatives to join hands together to cope with natural disasters with
innovative ideas empowering and aware communitites regrading rapid climte
channges and disseminate information at gross root levels maong communites and
key stake holders regrading early
warning system . Assistant Commsioner of
districr told the visting PDI team that keeping in view of rapid climatic changes and
to cope with expected onset
mosson season whhich would be started in district from the month of
july to September district adminstration had taken various precautionary
measures but still need of a further
stregethen the capicity building of lines departments to avoid the past
disasters issues .
told that keeping in view of 2011 rain flood devestation scenario wise contigency plan has beeb
prepared by the district adminstration and in case of proable and moderate
scanerio the district adminstration has sufficent resources to cater the
challenges of any unseen disaster but to cope with worst natral disaster scanerio district
adminstration does not have capicity to cope
it and to cope the challenges of worst disaster scnaerio district
adminstration has built corrdination with other line departments and agencies
like Ranger and Pakistan army .
He added that keeping in view
of 2011
rain flood destrction the
distrcation adminstration has been identified
that commmunitites who are living in low lying areas would be affected
during the flood and heavy rains and in this connection district
adminstran has chalked plan for their
safer evecuation and neccsary istrcutions to all lines departments have been
issued by adminstration .
Speaking on early warning system of district ,
disrict offical said that it was decided by adminstration that in heavy rain
scanerio district adminstration would be commuicated through Radio , Local FMS
, local Cable , police wireless system and on loudspeakers in mosques .
He added that district
adminstration decided that in heavy rain
scanerio emergency would be declared in the district and all government
functionaries , NGOs and Armed Forces are kept high alert .
He added district adminstration
keeping in view of start of onset mosoon
season held series of meetings of different culsters with support of OUCHA and
district adminstration strictly issues instrcuctions to all district concern
departments to attend in clusters meetings .
He regreeted that despite series of
meetings held with high ups of irrigation departments , director NARA Canal and
SEDA officals but they are not willing to share daily ongoing development work
reports with admistration and we strictly instrcuted concern officals of NARA
Canal to repair the weak vunerable points of canal before the beginning of monsoon season in
disrict .

He addeed that influentails who
have say in power corrdiors are not copperating with adminstration to remove
enchoracemnts from natural water paths .
He added that polical intervetion
and non copperation of land and
enforcemnt agencies it would be ginatics task for adminstration to remove
enchorachments from natural paths which obstrcted natural flow of water and caused of a
devastation in districr .
He added that recently district adminstration
has been launched drive against remnoving encorachments from natural paths and
got success from those areas land which
are under the domain of district administration .He added that districr administration learnd from past rain
flood devastation and it was decided that education department man power would
be used for disseminate information for
early warning system . He added that as compare to other district literacy rate
is very high among male and female and district adminstration decided to use
their manpower to inform communities regrading expected monsson and pre-cautionary measures to
reduce losses of expected monnson .
He added that district
adminstration issued a press statement in local newspapers and aired news on Radios , FMs and on local cabels
and regional TV channels .
He added during meetings with hig
ups of NARA Canal , Area Water Board and Director Left Bank , Badin it was decided that Director NARA Canal would be ensured strict watch on
all LBOD Drains and main Irriagtion Canals . He
shared with PDI team that a main control room is easblished along with
sub-control rooms in each taulka with landline and mobile conncernced officers
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