Peoples Accountability Commission on Floods (PACF) network of civil society organizations under aegis of Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) supported by Oxfam Novib on 21.11.2012 arranged meeting on Post Flood Issues which was held at Indus Hotel Hyderabad.
The agenda of meeting was “post flood issues” in which members of Peoples Accountability Commission on Floods and civil society representatives from non government organizations , academicians , journalists , Human Right organization members , farmer organizations , affected community members participated and expressed their views in the meeting on issues of riverine flood affected communities and rain affected communities in Sindh and Balochistan Province. The meeting was chaired by Prof Ismail Kunbhar member of PACF.In the meeting several resolutions were adopted by participants in which highlighted issues of rain affected communities and demanded from government and humantrain agencies to provide adequate relief , food , shelter , health , education , protection facilitates to rain affected communities in their respective districts. Saleem Abbasi PACF research Advocacy officer , PDI Executive Director Sikander Brohi , Punhial Saryo member of PACF and Sindh Harri Sangat Chairman , Ashothama Human Rights member , Asghar Leghari from Indus Future Foundation , Rizawan Ali Abbasi PACF member from Institute For Social Change , Qamar-ur-Dian Mirpurkhas Press Club President , Kousar Praveen from SPARC , Mehran Mallah fromSAFWCO , Prof , Ismail Khunbar PACF member and others spoke in the meeting .Saleem Abbasi PACF research officer presented his presentation on PACF network research advocacy work and said that first time in history of Pakistan a forum has been established for the people by the people and of the people in which affected rain communities at grass root level raised their issues and made accountable to government and humantrain agencies for resolving their genuine issues faced by rain affected communities in different sectors in affected districts.He added that PACF raised their voice and released more than 26 research reports in different sectors in which highlighted issues of rain affected communities and later these research reports were published in international media, national media and in regional media in both print and electronics. PACF aired FM radio programs on different themes and issues of rain affected communities and also held advocacy meeting with concern deputy commissioners, PDMA officials and other concern officials and raised issues of rain affected communities. He added that from allocation of budget for disaster preparedness to pre, during and post flood issues of rain affected communities were highlighted in PACF research reports.
Participants of meeting discussed that Sindh and Balochistan provinces communities as compare to other provinces communities suffered more in natural disasters due to poor planning and poor efforts being taken by government to mitigates losses of natural disasters and provide adequate relief and shelter facilities to affected communities .
Participants of meeting opined that during 2010 water flood people affected because of feudal lords and sitting ruler’s poor planning policies and it was not natural disaster but feudal lords diverted flood water according to their will and saved their land and aggravated miseries of poor and vulnerable communities. They said that if feudal lords and Sindh government decision makers wanted to divert flood water in desert in 2010 flood water losses could be minimized and thus type of migration never took place just people of Sindh witnessed in 2010 water flooding.

They raised issues of shelter in the meeting and said that still large numbers of 2010 water flood affected and 2011 rain flooding affected communities are not properly rehabilitated and corruption was rampant in state relief work and mostly Pakistan Card, ration and agriculture package distributed among party workers and not among genuine victim communities of riverine and rain floods in different districts of Sindh.
They added that there is a strong need of prioritize the issues of flood and rain affected disaster communities and said that it was observed in meeting by participants that women are more vulnerable in disasters and they are facing sexual harassment in camps and malnutrition issues after consecutive water flood , rain flood in Sindh province from since 2010 to 2012 . They added still rain water is standing in many districts of Sindh and Balochistan and people are waiting for relief help and government authorities only distributed relief on political basis and recent torrential rain affected people of Sindh and Balochistan are left at mercy of God and living miserable lives under open sky without any shelter.
Participants of meeting said that majority of people in rural area depend on agriculture and consecutive floods since three years badly damaged agriculture sector and mostly vulnerable and poor people who do labour in land or having small size of land did not get any relief that they could resume their descent livelihoods in affected areas . They rose that its alarming situation that Sindh government mostly distributed livestock packages among their coteries and poor farmers are still deprived from relief package.
They added that Sindh education sector was completely collapsed in result of natural disasters and poor arrangements being taken by government during pre, post natural disaster situation and still 20 lac both female and male students are deprived to resume their education.
Participants of meeting said that our state especially in Sindh and Balochistan Province never done pro human development and recent torrential rains which were lashed out in upper region of Sindh province near Balochistan borders in districts Jacobabad and Kamber Shahdadkot rain affected communities are living in extreme vulnerable conditions and onset winter season further increase their agonies and miseries .
They suggested that there is an urgent need that their issues should be raised in different forums and especially in media and PACF along with its members should visit Sindh and Balochistan recent rain hit districts and later a detail report should be released in media.

They demanded in meeting that sewerage system in Sindh should be redesigned and encroachments from natural water ways should be removed. Transparency in relief work being done by government should be ensured and relief goods and relief packages should be distributed without any political interests. They demanded that for poor Harris and especially agriculture package should be announced and agriculture input without any delay to be distributed among poor and small famer. Humantrain organization should focus more on vulnerable groups like elder people, disable, children and women. Sindh government should take appropriate steps to drain out rain water from rain affected districts and still in many districts rain water is standing in many areas of Jacobabad and Kamber Shahdad Kot districts.
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