Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Peoples Accountability Commission on Floods (PACF)

Pakistan’s second greatest disaster within less than a years’ time has passed away leaving vast learning’s and experiences. Pakistan is repeatedly being victimized of heavy rains and flooding which have affected about 5.4 million of population yet, with 1.8 million displaced (51% female) according to UN OCHA the total number of temporary settlements is estimated to be 6,000 including spontaneous sites. Creating the standards and resumption of livelihood into a normal human life is a defying task for civil society doyens.
The catastrophic areas those were affected last year, new water flows and areas have also under view in Sindh province of Pakistan. About 22 out of 23 districts of Sindh have been affected; districts which hosted millions of people fleeing from their homes in the past floods are now under water and in need.
While most of us believe that the past floods 2010 were the most disastrous in nature, we are almost forgetting that this year the challenge is far greater than that, Government and civil society have been caught off guard when new districts became the victims of this year’s monsoon, while millions of people who were trying to recover from the past year faced the worst blow.
There are many evidences to substantiate that the current rains and floods would not have affected so heavily, had the government functionaries taken proper disaster preparedness, early warning and evacuation steps. The failure of the government in acting timely has increased the human and livelihood losses in Sindh province. Whereas humanitarian support from agencies and international donors is being hurdled by the local influences and political pressures or politicized support in the affected areas is a big challenge, in this situation the initiatives by the civil society in shape of Peoples Accountability Commission on Floods (PACF) is taken.
Peoples Accountability Commission on Floods
In a critical situation mentioned above the only way out is to bring different stakeholders interested in supporting the flood affected communities on one platform and work jointly for the advocacy on the issues being faced by the flood affected communities. The evidences show that in a number of countries post disaster peoples commissions have worked well in mobilizing communities and building strong alliance to engage in campaigning for the rights in crisis of the local communities.
PACF Key Objectives 

  • Collectively engage in advocacy on the rights in crisis of flood affected communities with policy makers, government authorities and other key stakeholders.

  • Act as collective voice of the representatives of flood affected communities and civil society actors working for the relief and rehabilitation of the flood affected communities.

  • Play a role of watchdog monitoring the issues of the flood affected communities including the situation of relief and rehabilitation for them.

  • PACF Strategy 
    Concrete evidence for raising voice and strong alliance building are the key elements of strong advocacy initiatives. PACF Team strongly believes that advocacy and campaigning are neither ‘few activities’ nor ‘one organization’ initiative. Mobilizing more and more organizations and people with same cause is the key to success of any advocacy and campaigning initiative. Therefore, for a strong advocacy and campaigning includes Engaging prominent persons from different walks of life such as activists, professionals, media persons, intellectuals subject to their consent and willingness to contribute for the objectives of the People’s Accountability Commission on Floods, Linking the People’s Accountability Commission on Floods with institutions working for similar objectives, Information dissemination and awareness raising among stake holders particularly affected communities regarding alternatives on Disaster Risk reduction, Participatory decision making with PDI providing a facilitators role, Research [ studies, survey and other methods] for ensuring evidence based advocacy on different issues related to floods and post flood scenario, A chain of activities from districts to provincial and federal level to develop a long term campaign, Continuous monitoring of the situation and bringing comprehensive monitoring / situation reports with issues and case studies, Bottom up approach bringing the issues from the ground level to the district and province, Creating an international voice for a strong advocacy mechanism. Following the civil society consent over the flood affected areas in Sindh, the PACF will jointly perform to give voice to the peoples vulnerable to disaster and post disaster situation. 

    1 comment:

    floods said...

    This is not by itself enough for attribution, although it is suggestive. However, Dr Sommerville did not rely on mere statistics to make his attribution, rather he relied on known physics. 2010 was an exceptionally warm year, and increased warmth increases water vapour in the atmosphere. This does not bring rain independant of atmospheric circulation, but where atmospheric circulation brings rain, increased relative humidity will result in more rain falling.