Tuesday, 11 December 2012

PACF - Meeting on Post Flood issues in District Jaffarabad - held at MEHER  NGO office .

PACF members shares flood devstation data with participnats of meeting .

Participnats of meeting in PACF post flood issues .

PACF members and partcipnats discuss  post flood devstation  issues in Jaffarabad District .

PACF - Meeting on Post Flood issues in Kandhkot Kashmore District.

PACF - holds meeting on post flood issues in District Kandhkot  Kashmore - large numbers of NGOs actvist , journalisits  and rain affected communites partcipated and spoke in meeting .
PACF - meeting on post flood issues in  Kandhkot Kashmore District .
PACF members - sharing partcipnats of meeting regrading PACF forum .

PACF - Delgation visit of Kandhkot Kashmore District.

A view of Flood devstation in Kandhkot Kashore district village after rain flooding .
Rain affected victims  families of kandhkot Kashmore disrict  sharing  post flood devstation  issues faced by them with PACF team members .
women shares their pains and issues with PACF team members .
PACF delegation members at TLC - 
Rain affected familes shares their issues with  PACF team member   in spotenus  camp  at Jacobabad  District of Sindh province of Pakistan .
PACF  delegeation led by Prof Ismail Khunbar visited spotenus  camp  at Jacobabad  District and rain flood hit familes sharing their miseries and issues with PACF member .
flood hit women sharing post rain flood issues facing by them  along with PACF member  Advocate Sobia Talpur 

PACF - delegation visit of rain flood affected - Jaffarabad

poor rain affected woman is cooking food for their family - standing rain water is seen  and still  rain water is standing in flood hit areas of Jaffaraabad district areas .
PACF member Prof Ismail Kunhbar interviewing and listening  issues of  rain flood hit familes in Jaffarabad Distict  of Balochistan province of Pakistan .
Advocate Sobia Talpur PACF - member conducting interviews from flood hit women in Jaffarabad  District .

Monday, 26 November 2012

PACF meeting on Post Flood issues - Hyderaabad .

PDI ED - Sikander Brohi is speaking on post flood issues in  the meeting .
Add caption PACF - Saleem Abbasi is sharing PACF - reserch reports works .
Add capPACF - meeting on Post Flood issues .
Participnats of meeting discuused various issues in meeting  facing by  rain victims in Sindh and Balochistan  in wake of recent torrentails rains .

PDI and Oxfam Joint Conslutation workshop on Issues in Emergency .

                                          Sindh CM advsior for Relief Dept , Aleem Adil Sheikh .

MPA Nusrat Sahar Abbasi 
MPA Ayesha Khoso , MPA Nusrat Sahar Abbasi , PDMA ooficer .

PACF Meeting on Post Flood Issues - Hyderabad.

Peoples Accountability Commission on Floods (PACF) network of civil society organizations under aegis   of Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) supported by Oxfam Novib on 21.11.2012 arranged meeting on Post Flood Issues which was held at Indus Hotel Hyderabad.
The agenda of meeting was  “post flood issues” in which members of Peoples Accountability Commission on Floods and civil society representatives from non government organizations , academicians , journalists , Human Right organization members , farmer organizations , affected community members participated and expressed their views  in the meeting on issues of riverine flood affected communities and rain affected communities in Sindh and Balochistan Province. The meeting was chaired by Prof Ismail Kunbhar member of PACF.In the meeting several resolutions were adopted by participants in which highlighted issues of rain affected communities and demanded from government and humantrain agencies to provide adequate relief , food , shelter , health , education , protection facilitates to rain affected communities in their respective districts.   Saleem Abbasi PACF research Advocacy officer , PDI Executive Director Sikander Brohi , Punhial Saryo member of PACF and Sindh Harri Sangat Chairman , Ashothama Human Rights member , Asghar Leghari from Indus Future Foundation , Rizawan Ali Abbasi PACF member from Institute For Social Change , Qamar-ur-Dian Mirpurkhas Press Club President , Kousar Praveen from  SPARC , Mehran Mallah fromSAFWCO , Prof ,  Ismail Khunbar PACF member and others spoke in the meeting .Saleem Abbasi PACF research officer presented his presentation on PACF network research advocacy work and said that first time in history of Pakistan a forum has been established for the people by the people and of the people in which affected rain communities at grass root level raised their issues and made accountable to government and humantrain agencies for resolving their genuine issues faced by rain affected communities in different sectors in affected districts.He added that PACF raised their voice and released more than 26 research reports in different sectors in which highlighted issues of rain affected communities and later these research reports were published in international media, national media and in regional media in both print and electronics. PACF aired FM radio programs on different themes and issues of rain affected communities and also held advocacy meeting with concern deputy commissioners, PDMA officials and other concern officials and raised issues of rain affected communities. He added that from allocation of budget for disaster preparedness to pre, during and post flood issues of rain affected communities were highlighted in PACF research reports.
Participants of meeting discussed that Sindh  and Balochistan provinces  communities  as compare to other provinces communities suffered more in natural disasters due to poor planning and poor efforts being taken by government to mitigates losses of natural disasters and provide adequate relief and shelter facilities to affected communities .
Participants of meeting opined that during 2010 water flood people affected because of feudal lords and sitting ruler’s poor planning policies and it was not natural disaster but feudal lords diverted flood water according to their will and saved their land and aggravated miseries of poor and vulnerable communities. They said that if feudal lords and Sindh government decision makers wanted to divert flood water in desert in 2010  flood water losses could be minimized and thus type of migration never took place just people of Sindh witnessed in 2010 water flooding.

They raised issues of shelter in the meeting and said that still large numbers of 2010 water flood affected and 2011 rain flooding affected communities are not properly rehabilitated and corruption was rampant in state relief work and mostly Pakistan Card, ration and agriculture package distributed among party workers and not among genuine victim communities of riverine and rain floods in different districts of Sindh.
They added that there is  a strong need of prioritize  the issues of flood and rain affected disaster  communities and said that it was observed  in meeting by participants that women are more vulnerable in disasters and they are facing sexual harassment in camps and malnutrition issues after consecutive  water flood , rain flood in Sindh province from since 2010 to 2012 .     They added still rain water is standing in many districts of Sindh and Balochistan and people are waiting for relief help and government authorities only distributed relief on political basis and recent torrential rain affected people of Sindh and Balochistan are left at mercy of God and living miserable lives under open sky without any shelter.
   Participants of meeting said that majority of people in rural area depend on agriculture and consecutive floods since three years badly damaged agriculture sector and mostly vulnerable and poor people who do labour in land or having small size of land did not get any relief that they could resume their descent  livelihoods in affected areas . They rose that its alarming situation that Sindh government mostly distributed livestock packages among their coteries and poor farmers are still deprived from relief package.  
They added that Sindh education sector was completely collapsed in result of natural disasters and poor arrangements being taken by government during pre, post natural disaster situation and still 20 lac both female and male students are deprived to resume their education.
Participants of meeting said that our state especially in Sindh and Balochistan Province never  done pro human development and recent torrential rains which were lashed out in upper region of Sindh province near Balochistan borders in districts Jacobabad and Kamber Shahdadkot rain affected communities are living  in extreme vulnerable conditions and onset winter season further increase their agonies and miseries .
They suggested that there is an urgent need that their issues should be raised in different forums and especially in media and PACF along with its members should visit Sindh and Balochistan recent rain hit districts and later a detail report should be released in media.

They demanded in meeting that sewerage system in Sindh should be redesigned and encroachments from natural water ways should be removed. Transparency in relief work being done by government should be ensured and relief goods and relief packages should be distributed without any political interests. They demanded that for poor Harris and especially agriculture package should be announced and agriculture input without any delay to be distributed among poor and small famer.     Humantrain organization should focus more on vulnerable groups like elder people, disable, children and women.   Sindh government should take appropriate steps to drain out rain water from rain affected districts and still in many districts rain water is standing in many areas of Jacobabad and Kamber Shahdad Kot districts.

PACF shows concern over poor relief efforts taken by Sindh and Balochistan Govts .

Noted experts, intellectuals, writers, human rights activists and civil society representatives have expressed grave concern on the failure of the federal and provincial Sindh government in providing adequate relief and early recovery services to the flood affected communities of Sindh province and Balochistan who affected during 2012monsoon rain.
     Such concern was shown in a provincial level consultation meeting on the issues facing by the flood hit communities of Sindh and Balochistan which was held at PDI Head office on 7.11.2012. The Consultation meeting was organized by Peoples
Accountability Commission on floods (PACF) a network of flood relief volunteers of civil society and the representatives of flood affected communities which held at Participatory Development Initiatives head office Karachi.
   They added that it was great concern for people of Sindh and Balochistan that despite they faced continuous flood devastation in 2010, 2011 and in 2012 rain and in flash flood 3,174,716 people were affected , 245,459 crop area of land was affected and government had done only five percent relief while 95 percent rain affected deprive from government relief activities and in Balochistan province 984,401 people were affected 402 ,535 crop area land was affected and
government only had done two percent relief work activities in Balochistan province.
 They said that it was responsibility of the government to assure the dewatering so that peoples can develop their shelters and agriculture for their livelihood.
They that observed rain affected peoples under water even after passage of two months to rain flooding and flash flood devastation..Members have shown grave concern over poor response from government to minimize the issues of the flood affected peoples during the relief services.   Participants of the meeting that it was great concern that still large numbers of rain affected people are deprive from relief activities and left on mercy of God and they are living miserable lives in their rain affected areas .They observed Humanitarian Organizations should take into consideration of cultural sensitivities while relief and recovery services.  Indigenous resources should for relief services rather than taking from other sources if possible.  They demanded Humanitarian Monitoring should be strengthened to ensure accountability for the relief and rehabilitation services .They demanded sustainability of the programs of developments and disaster risk reduction component should made crucial part of the Development Programs. They pointed outthat in Sindh province Mandate of the authorities are not clear like PDMA, Relief Department, DC Office, DDMA and Members of the national and provincial assembly during relief and recovery services. They observed that Corporate Social Responsibility should be fulfilledparticularly in the periphery areas of oil and Gas Company which are back ward and affected and badly hit in rain flooding. They demanded that permanent helpline and main control room should be established to support in generating data for disaster mitigation.
They observed in meeting that Recovery and Rehabilitation plan envisaged by the humanitarian organizations are stopped due to the non serous attitude of the Government. The schools damaged in flood 2011 are waiting for rehabilitation.

They added that during the disaster it was observed that inter provincial influx of the affected peoples in mega cities are being seen as point of suspicion.  New settlements are being discouraged on political basis and this trend should be stopped. They added that
there was strong need to verify to verify the claims made by the government for the quality work of the repair and reconstructions of the irrigation channels and roads.
They added that Disaster related funds, Effective Contingency Planning, Irrigation infrastructure and Relief services should be taken seriously to minimize the impact of the disasters for the
affected peoples.Raehhma Pahanwar, Rauf Nizamani , Saleem Abbasi , Ramzan Chandio , Saeed Sarbazi  Baloch , Faheem Raza , Nisar Mehommad, Nisar Sheikh , Roomana Lakho , Ramzan Memon , Ismail Khunbar,Shabnam Palejo , Asad  Chandio , Fazal Sulman Qazi participated in the meeting .

Thursday, 9 August 2012

PDI & OXFAM NOVIB joint District level Consultative Workshop on Status of Contingency Planning in Sanghar District.

PDI & OXFAM NOVIB- held joint  District level consultative  workshop on Status of Contingency Planning in District Sanghar which was held at local hotel in which UNDP District Coordinator Malik Masroor was chief guest , local NGOs representatives from PFF , Hands , SHWO , PDI staff members government  line departments officials, INGos representative from save The Children , rain affected community leaders and notables of villages participated in workshop and discussed gaps in   2012 Disaster Contingency Plan made by Sanghar Administration to combat with anticipated monsoon and other natural  disaster risk hazards in district .

UNDP focal person in Sanghar District , speaks in PDI and Oxfam Novib District  Level  Consultative Workshop in which he pledged with participants of workshop that the gasps which raised in this workshop in Disaster Contingency Planning of Sanghar District , he would discuss in Clusters meetings and also shared suggestions and inputs of workshop with high ups of district administration.   

PDI & Oxfam Novib- Consultative Workshops on Disaster Contingency Plannings of prone disaster districts of Sindh province

PDI & Oxfam Novib held joint  District level  Consultative workshop on Disaster  Contingency Planning of  Mirpurkhas district  on Wednesday18.07.2012   which was held at local hotel , in which Additional Deputy Comissioner of Mirpurkhas District was chief guest , PDI research officer Saleem Abbasi , Save The Children District Coordinator Inumallah Khan , Jagarata local NGO director Khalid Babar , Naeem Talpur Bar Representative, Qamar-u-Din senior journalist , Harri Bhandar Sanghat , Mr Shar and community leaders of rain affected taulka s and local NGOs , govt officials participated and spoke in workshop .          

Advocate Naeem Talpur Mirpurkhas Bar Association , representatives is addressing in PDI and Oxfam Novib Joint
District Level Consultative Workshop on Disaster Contingency Planning  of Mirpurkhas District .   

Senior Journalist  Qamar-u-Din  correspondent of Dawn Newspaper and active office bearers   of Mirpurkhas Press Club is speaking in workshop . 

PDI & Oxfam Novib- District level Consultative Workshop on Disaster Contingency Planning in Qambar Shahdadkot District .

Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) and Oxfam Novib jointly organized a District Level Consultative Workshop on Status of Contingency Planning in District Qambar –Shahdadkot on July 25, 2012 which was held at office of Deputy Commissioner. 
 Officials from district administration, local NGOs, human right activists, notables of district, INGOS and PDI staff members participated in workshop.PDI Research officer Saleem Abbas  welcomed participants of workshop and  gave presentation on district disaster contingency Plan 2012 devised by district administration to combat with anticipated monsoon ,riverine flood and flash floods forecast . 
He added that the objective of PDI and Oxfam Novib to hold thus type of workshop in prone disaster district to aware communities and with joint efforts make strategies to mitigate losses of natural hazards in the district .He added that keeping in view of sudden climatic changes and recent flood devastation in Sindh province and anticipated natural disasters there is strong need of a viable disaster contingency planning at each disaster prone district of Sindh to mitigate lessees of natural disasters learning lessons from previous natural disasters and aware communities at gross root levels and involving and incorporating their voice and input in policies and planning’s which devised and implemented by district administration .
He added that PDI is  strongly believe in participatory approach and incorporating communities suggestions  that district administration can ensure effective planning to cope with any natural disasters because communities and civil society representatives can indentify gaps and suggest betters suggestions and inputs .
Saleem Abbasi said that despite in 2010 super flood district was badly damaged and majority of communities evacuated city and there was no proper mechanism of early warning system develop by district administration to convey correct information regarding flood.   Saleem Abbasi said that in Disaster Contingency Plan district government has been indentified vulnerable points of embankments but communities have shown great concern over poor infrastructure repairing work done by government of  plugging embankments , repaired damaged roads and no compensation plan for poorest and vulnerable small farmers .
 He told participants of workshop that it’s regrettable that despite Sindh province has faced major flood devastation and even government own institution and NDMA Chairman cautioned regarding  anticipated monsoon  rains in Sindh but  due  to poor governance and lack of planning and not consulting with civil society representatives and communities district administration has devised Disaster Contingency Plan in which major components of disaster contingency plannings are   not defined by district administration..
He added that even in Disaster Contingency Plan of district Scenario building not clearly identified by district administration and there is no response strategy mentioned in Disaster Contingency Plan of District. 
He added that in year     1994, 1995 and 2007 flood water from hill torrents borders districts of Sindh which are boundaries with Balochistan always received rain flood and communities were badly suffered but there is no plan devised by district administration how to cope with this situation and to save communities livelihoods.
He added that even district administration of Qambar Shahdadkot has been indentified   in its disaster contingency plan that in case of flash flood from Balochistan 250,000 people would be affected of district but there is no plan mentioned by district administration regarding camps settlements at safer areas .He added that District indentified that in case of flood water of river Indus 5, 00,000 people will be affected 
  Fida Soomro from LHDP said that floods are one of major hazards in Sindh province of Pakistan causing heavy damages and losses for communities Weather services monitor levels of major rivers and are able to warn of impending floods. However, such services are not available for hill torrents which were major cause of flash floods in Taulkas of District Qambar Shahdadkot such as Kubo Saeed Khan, Mir Khan, Qambar and Warah.He added that District administration without consultation of civil society representatives and Communities devised Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 for district to mitigate devastation of flash floods and anticipated monsoon rains.   Fida Soomro told participants of workshop that despite Sindh province faced flood devastation in 2010 and rain flood havoc in 2011 but yet Sindh government had not decided that weather contingency plan should be prepared according to 1958 Calamity Act or National Disaster Management Ordinance 2006 or 2010 Act. He added that canals and bunds, bridges and roads which were badly affected during 2010 super flood government could not do proper repaired work. He added that Sindh government has been spent Rs 34.5 billion on RBDO but administration had done sub-standard work.
He added that District administration does not have capacity to combat with flash flood devastation and there is no plan devised by district administration for camp movement and did not make any inventory or rosters in case of flash floods.
Ghaffar Pandhari from NDS , local NGO activist said that its dilemma that district administration not held single consultative meeting with NGOs or INGOs representatives to take suggestions or input for 2012 District Disaster Contingency Planning . He added that in 2010 super flood district was one of worst affected district due to water flooding which entered from Jacobabad and Kashmore districts after the breach of the levee at Thori Bund and advanced north went into Balochistan province.
The District comprises of seven  Talukas (Kamber,Shahdad Kot,  Warah, Mirokhan, Sijawal Junejo, Nasirabad & Qubo Saeed Khan) and 40 UnionCouncils (UCs).  Of 1.2 million population, approximately 500,000 were  affected in 550 villages in six Talukas (16 UCs).  Between 35 to 40  per cent of the areas in Qambar Shahdadkot.
He added 554394 acres of land affected, 71,000 standing crops affected, about 15909 houses damaged, 44050 cattle lost and 720 km roads damaged (about 169 different roads).  To accommodate the flood-affected population of Qambar Shahdad Kot, 145 were established (both tented villages and schools), hosting a population of about 60,000 families. Some 30,000 of these families were settled along road sides.He added that government does not have proper plan to combat with pre –during and post natural disasters and district administration keeping in view of past flood devastation experience should indentified relief camps in those areas which are located at safer places .  He added that banks of Saifullah Magsi canal in which breaches were occurred during 2010 flood should be strengthened properly before onset monsoon and canals which are passing from main city Qaboo up to Bariga union council of Taulka Kot Magasi and Jhal Magasi should be strengthened on priority basis and flood water outlets must be constructed according to Quantum of water.   
Zakir Hussain from Red Crescent Coordinator of district said that district administration not held single meeting of local non government organizations regarding disaster contingency plan prepared by district administration for year 2012 to combat with riverine or rain floods.
He added that after rehabilitation work which was ended in December 2011 not a single meeting called by administration to face any challenges or discussed gaps or does further planning to mitigate the losses in case of possible riverine or rain flood in the district.

 Babar Memon from UNDP said that in district clusters are not functionalize and UNDP representatives are facing difficulties to hold cluster meetings due to poor cooperation from district administration and district administration not held single meeting to discuss and to get input and suggestions from non government organizations and civil society representatives regarding preparedness of Disaster Contingency Plan for year 2012 and nor its copy shared with civil society representatives.   Ali Sher from Pirbhat organization said that due to political intervention and poor governance district administration and its related departments are not cooperating with civil society representatives and not paying heed to their input and suggestions for further planning to mitigate losses of anticipated riverine or rain flood havoc.
Community leaders and majority of NGOs activists and civil society representatives have complained that due to political intervention in district administration blindly following instructions of political leaders and not giving due attention and spend their resources for sustainable planning to cope with future natural disasters  challenges .They added that there is lack of transparency  on construction of roads and canals repairing and other health and education  infrastructure which were  damaged during 2010 super flood .     
 Karim Bakash Mangi focal person and DDMA Coordinator in district said that a meeting of civil society representatives including local NGOS would be called soon in which district administration can get input and suggestions and further take steps to hold clusters meetings.
He added that in meeting he would share district disaster contingency plan with all local NGO representatives and he will also share deliberations of this workshop with concern officials of the district.

District Level Consultative Workshop on Disaster Contingency Planning of Dadu District .

Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI ) and Oxfam Novib jointly organized  District Consultative  level  Workshop on  Status of Disasters Contingency Planning of Dadu District 2012 which was held at local hotel of Dadu District on   24.07.2012 on Tuesday.Government officials, local NGOS and INGOs representatives and PDI staff participated in Disaster Contingency Planning 
Workshop.Participants of workshop  expressed their views regarding Disaster Contingency Planning of District Dadu 2012 and gave their suggestions and input to strengthen the capacity building of local NGOs and government line departments capability to combat with any possible future rain floor or riverine flood and flash flood  disasters devastation in district and mitigate losses of communities and their livelihoods .Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) Research Advocacy Officer Saleem Abbasi gave his presentation and presented critical view of Dadu District Disaster Contingency Planning 2012 and inform participants of workshop regarding PDI and Oxfam Novib joint efforts to hold workshops involving all key stake holders of district to do effective Disaster Contingency Planning in riverine flood districts of Sindh in upper region of Sindh as well as in Southern Districts of Sindh to combat with future natural disaster devastation strengthening early warning system at gross root levels at Village and UC levels , providing prior early warning information  to communities , evacuate them at safer camps places .

Government officials, local NGOS and INGOs representatives and PDI staff participated in Disaster Contingency Planning Workshop.Participants of workshop  expressed their views regarding Disaster Contingency Planning of District Dadu 2012 and gave their suggestions and input to strengthen the capacity building of local NGOs and government line departments capability to combat with any possible future rain floor or riverine flood and flash flood  disasters devastation in district and mitigate losses of communities and their livelihoods .Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) Research Advocacy Officer Saleem Abbasi gave his presentation and presented critical view of Dadu District Disaster Contingency Planning 2012 and inform participants of workshop regarding PDI and Oxfam Novib joint efforts to hold workshops involving all key stake holders of district to do effective Disaster Contingency Planning in riverine flood districts of Sindh in upper region of Sindh as well as in Southern Districts of Sindh to combat with future natural disaster devastation strengthening early warning system at gross root levels at Village and UC levels , providing prior early warning information  to communities , evacuate them at safer camps places .He said  that PDI is  strongly believe that without participation of communities and input their suggestions in policies and  district government  cannot make effective and sustainable policies to mitigate losses owing to natural calamities. He added that purpose of holding this type of workshop in district Dadu to involve all key stake holders including government officials, communities and civil society representatives to aware communities at village levels and government line departments to strengthen their capacities learning lessons from previous natural flood and rain disasters which took place in district in 2010 and 2011 rain flooding.

 He added that due to poor planning communities were heavily suffered and lost their lives livestock and livelihoods due to the lack of durable Disaster Contingency Planning in District Dadu.He added that District Dadu is located between 24-57 and 27-27 north latitudes and 67-09 to 68-25 east longitudes. Its boundaries are connected with Larkana district, on the east by Naushero Feroze, Nawabshah and Hyderabad districts, on the south by Thatta district, on south-west by Malir district and Lasbela and Khuzdar districts of Balochistan Province. The area of the district is 19070 square kilometer. It is estimated that very high flood (Up to 0.8 million cusecs) has passed through the catchment area during the  13th  and 14th august 2010, thus due to that menace about 99800 population of the district evacuated  their houses and villages and left their  properties, crops and livestock which was their major sources of income.He added that District government has been devised Disaster Contingency Plan of 2012 without taking confidence and consultation with civil society representatives and communities and they are many gaps in District Disaster Contingency Plan of District. 

He cited example from District disaster Contingency Plan and said that its  mentioned in District Disaster Contingency Plan that administration has formed eight committees but committees role and responsibilities are  not mentioned or identified. He added that there is no preparation of inventories and rosters and operation plan of district, scenarios and targeted population not defined. He added that even in 2012 Disaster District Contingency Plan low lying and high surface places are not mentioned and there is lack of coordination among flood related departments.   He added that to ensure the effective planning in context of the anticipated monsoon 2012 and should   identify the Gaps, challenges and constraints in effective planning.
He added that Dadu District due to heavy rains lashed out in Balochistan in the end of June and July received flash floods adding that Hill torrents originating from Balochistan entered Sindh through Kirthar Hills and inundated vast areas in Dadu District. He added that due to poor planning and lack of early warning system the unprecedented gushing floods from Mula and Bolan rivers badly affected the flood protection network and the MNV /RBOD     
The government should strengthen early warning mechanisms at district-level to mitigate losses of possible rains and flood devastation in Sindh.
Communities and local NGOS representatives said that district government not held single coordination meeting with NGOs and other civil society representatives to get input or suggestions for drafting 2012 Disaster Contingency Plan for district. 
 Tahmina Samejo a representative of local organization said that its organization has recruited volunteers and made committees at village level to inform communities prior regarding any possible riverine or rain flood devastation.
Riaz Soomro from CDO said that it even roads and bunds which were damaged during 2010 water flood not plugged and mostly district administration has done sub-standard work in the district .
Ghulam Nabi Rustmani from Sujag Samsar said that due to poor planning and lack of transparency in construction work done by district administration of damaged bunds and lack of coordination between government flood related departments further make vulnerable to communities of District Dadu. Ab Qayoom Shahni government Irrigation official said that due to political intervention and tribal rivalries government officials are unsafe and not doing their duties and monitor weak and vulnerable points. He added that Tree Plantation campaign should be launched in district to mitigate the losses of riverine flood in District.

District Level Consultative Workshop- Status of Disaster Contingency Planning in Sanghar District .

Participatory development Initiatives ( PDI ) and Oxfam Novib on 18-07-2012 held  joint  consultative workshop on  Status  District Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 , Conference was opened on Thursday 18-07-2012 at local hotel of Sanghar in which Sanghar District government officials from  line departments , district UNDP  focal person , representatives of  INGOs and NGOs and affected communities from different taulkas  of Sanghar district participated in District Disaster Contingency Planning workshop .
   In District Disaster Contingency workshop, PDI staffs members , Saleem Abbasi  PDI research officer and Mir Jalbani PDI Program manager in their introductory remarks of workshops in detail briefed participants of workshop  regarding PDI and Oxfam Novib joint initiatives to aware communities regarding onset monsoon hazards  and at  UC and village levels make effective planning to mitigate losses of any upcoming natural disaster in district involving all key stake holders including government line department  officials , INGOS and local NGOS and review and discuss gaps and needs and further strengthen  government as well as community capacity building to cope  effectively natural disasters devastations  in Sindh province .

Saleem Abbasi said that after 2011 rain flood havoc in southern region districts of Sindh which badly affected livelihood of communities in Sanghar District and other southern regions of Sindh districts, PDI has not only held rallies but held meetings with government officials, lawmakers of Sindh assembly and INGO representatives, and media advocacy campaign to resolve unaddressed issues of rain affected communities.
He added that in Sanghar district held advocacy meetings with line department officials and Deputy Commissioner, UNDP official and held consultation meetings with communities and after incorporate their suggestions and input after released dozens research base reports on issues of rain affected communities and after released said reports in both print and electronic media and also shared with all key stake holders including ministers , lawmakers of Sindh assembly and civil society representatives . He added that that the objective of holding workshop on District Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 to  review gaps and issues in District Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 and input voice and suggestions of communities in district plan .
He added that PDI has strongly believe that without involving public voice no plan or action would prove fruitful for communities and after only people who were ignored suffered and lost their precious lives and livelihoods .        Speaking on Disaster District Contingency Plan 2012 status , Contingency Plan District Sanghar 2012, he has shared with participants of Workshop that District Sanghar comprises of six Taulkas i.e. Sanghar, Sinjhoro, Shahdadpur, Tando Adam, Khipro and Jam Nawaz Ali. The main income source of its inhabitants is agriculture and this district is considered to be the biggest cotton producer of Pakistan.

He mentioned  that Nara Canal , Jamaro Canal , Mitharo Canal , Rohari Canal are major canals in Sanghar District and major drains in district are Sanghar Main Drain , Nara Valley Main Darin, Singhoro Branch Drain  . He added that past rain flood and riverine flood devastation left many questions and it’s a fact when communities’ suggestions and input not involve in planning proved fatal and cause of more devastation in terms of loss of precious lives and livelihoods of communities at larger scale. Talking on District Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 , he said that district administration in haste made disaster contingency plan of district and it did not mentions scenarios in the Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 . He added that District administration due to its 2011 rain flood devastation in District demanded 4by 4 vehicles to 4X4 vehicles, motor boats, Wireless sets, Life saving jackets and other accessories are required. He added that District Administration can inform us regarding full fill of their required accessories to evacuate and save communities in case of any rain or water flood devastation   . He added that District administration did not mention availability of food stocks in case of emergency. No vulnerable points have been mentioned in the District Contingency Plan 2012.  He said that Budget estimates for the Disaster preparedness measures have neither been specified nor allocated against the contingency plan 2012. No low lying areas have identified in the Plan and no names of the high surface areas have mentioned in said 2012 Disaster Contingency Plan. He added that District Management Committee was established as per plan but million dollar question is about its effectiveness.    
He added that past rain flood devastation livestock of communities have badly damaged and in agrarian society of Sanghar district communities have major source of their earning and nutrition but district administration did not mention any plan for animal fodder and livestock camps.
Malik Marooar from UNDP said that mapping of hazards and response should be started from village levels involving elders and notable of village and local NGOs should setup early warning mechanisms at gross root levels.He added that that without hazarded and vulnerability mapping at UR or at Village level district government, district government could not mitigate the losses of rain or riverine flood disaster and to save livestock and livelihood of communities .They added that district   Interdepartmental departmental relationships was lacking in disaster contingency plan of district government and it should be strengthened more so the prompt action during the emergency response can be taken.

Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum, Mir Hassan said that it was observed that district administration without consultation of community and their representatives made disaster contingency plan 2012 for district and its obligatory on district administration to pay heed to voice of communities and after holding meetings with local NGOs and other civil society representatives incorporate suggestions in disaster contingency plan after send it to PDMA and implement it.
Majority of communities and other stake holders said that district administration is not incorporating suggestions and input of communities and civil society representatives in its Disaster Contingency Plan and there is a trust deficit of communities on district administration and other district related departments due to heavy involvement of politics.
They added People should clearly guided and inform during emergency and its prime responsibility of district administration   to share correct information and data with concern stake holders  and camp settlements areas of low lying areas and high surface areas should be notified. 
They decided that a forum will be established and PDI led it in which all district NGOs and INGOs would be included and after Hazards and Vulnerability mapping will be started from village to UC level.    

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

District Level Consultative workshop- Status of Contingency Planning in Mirpurkhas District.

Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) and Oxfam Novib on Wednesday 18.07-2012   organized a joint “One Day District Level Consultative Workshop on Status of Disaster Contingency Planning in District Mirpurkhas” which was held at local hotel.  
Additional Commissioner of Mirpurkhas District Agha Nabeel Akthar was chief guest in workshop while from PDI,  Saleem Abbasi ,  Ameer Ali Shar from Bhandar Harri Sangat, Jaggarta Khalid Babar , Save The Children District Coordinator Inumallah Khan , Press Club Mirpurkhas senior journalist , Qamar-ud-din , Mirpurkhas Bar Association former general secretary, Naeem Talupr and other civil society,  local NGOs representatives and concern department officials and community leaders from rain affected taulkas spoke and participated in workshop .Community leaders from rain affected taulkas of districts asked various queries and gave suggestions to government officials to resolve their unaddressed issues and gave suggestions to incorporate their suggestions to tackle anticipated monsoon hazards in district.   
Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) and Oxfam Novib on Wednesday 18.07-2012   organized a joint “One Day District Level Consultative Workshop on Status of Disaster Contingency Planning in District Mirpurkhas” which was held at local hotel.  Additional Commissioner of Mirpurkhas District Agha Nabeel Akthar was chief guest in workshop while from PDI,  Saleem Abbasi ,  Ameer Ali Shar from Bhandar Harri Sangat, Jaggarta Khalid Babar , Save The Children District Coordinator Inumallah Khan , Press Club Mirpurkhas senior journalist , Qamar-ud-din , Mirpurkhas Bar Association former general secretary, Naeem Talupr and other civil society,  local NGOs representatives and concern department officials and community leaders from rain affected taulkas spoke and participated in workshop .Community leaders from rain affected taulkas of districts asked various queries and gave suggestions to government officials to resolve their unaddressed issues and gave suggestions to incorporate their suggestions to tackle anticipated monsoon hazards in district.   
PDI research officer said that purpose of PDI and Oxfam Novib holding this on District Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 to incorporate suggestions of communities and created awareness among all key stakeholders of district including different segments   of civil society representatives to raise those issues which were not highlighted in District Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 prepared by district administration.       
PDI  is strongly believe in Participatory approach and firm believe that district administration adopting participatory approach to involve communities at grass root levels can effectively make Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 to mitigate risks of natural hazards in district .
  Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) research officer Saleem Abbasi in his introduction of workshop told participants of workshop regarding PDI and said that before drafting the 2012 Disaster Contingency Plan  , PDI team held advocacy meetings with district administrations, civil society representatives .Presenting his analytical view on District Disaster 2012 Contingency Plan drafted by district administration and presented brief description of district and said that district has comprised of six Taulka    Mirpurkhas, Sindhri, Hussain Bux Mari, Kot Ghulam Muhammad, Digri and Jhudo.
He shared participants of workshop of major components of Disaster Contingency Planning and after presented his analysis on 2012 Disaster Contingency Plan Drafted by District Administration.  He added that government has mentioned same low lying areas and vulnerable points, roles and responsibilities which were mentioned in 2011 Disaster Contingency Plan drafted by district administration.He added that even in 2011 district administration has worst experience of rain flooding in both rural and urban areas of district but it’s shocking that in 2012 disaster contingency Planning District administration did not define Scenarios Building.    He added that in action plan district administration did not mention about to remove encroachments from old natural water ways and how it would be restore Dhoro Puran. He added that there is no participation of community voice and suggestions despite in 2011 communities suffered due to ill conceived disaster contingency planning of district administration. He added that district administration even not mentioned budget estimates for disaster preparedness and measures have neither been specified nor allocated against the contingency plan 2012. He added that no names of the high surface areas have been mentioned in the Contingency Plan where as low lying areas have been mentioned. He added that situation of the inventory of the relief items, necessary supplies and equipments and volunteer trained staff did not mention in 2012 Disaster Contingency Plan made by district administration. There is lack of coordination among flood related departments and no effective working relationship between District Administrations and SIDA found to remove the irrigation vulnerable points in the District. District Administrations can just propose where as the implementation is the issue. Mohammad Saleem Abbasi said that government had prepared contingency plan but without taking confidence and incorporating suggestions of communities’ district administration in case of heavy rain flooding not implemented it and to mitigate the losses of  rain flooding in absence of sold contingency according to standards well defined  by international humantrain relief agencies .     
Advocate Naeem Talupr former secretary of Mirpurkhas Bar Association has said district administration has not consulted with representatives of civil society organizations to make disaster contingency planning for district 2012.He said that even there is lack of coordination among administration departments and there is no understanding between SCDA, Irrigation and District administration. He added mostly district Mirpurkhas affected due to poor planning and development of district administrations. He added that district administration only encroachments from old natural water ways removing huts of poor people but not read to demolish illegal construction and occupation of land of old water ways by big land lords and influential persons of district.  
Qamar Senior Journalist of Dawn despite district administration has spent lot funds on repairing of breaches but did very sub-standard work in district. He added that due to silt deposited in water canals and drainage system communities have faced disaster in 2011 rain flood and it was manmade disaster not natural disaster. He added that more than fifteen years desilting work  in canals carried out by district administration after 2011 rain flooding .
He suggested that district administration not cut budget which allocated for disaster preparedness and not diverted budget which allocated for disaster related plans. He added that in district administration 50 percent work was done disaster related departments in districts of damaged infrastructure.Director Jagirta organization Khalid Babbar said that district administration did not take into confidence to the masses and civil society in preparing the contingency plan of the district while he expressed his grievances regarding ongoing desilting work of LBOD drains and Natural ways of water.
Khalid Babbar Jaggarta organization, local organizations held series of meeting with local administration but administration never shared contingency plan with civil society representatives. He added that communities always suffered during the rain flood devastation and he added that still administration not provided any compensate to those who lost their lives during rain flood 2011. He added that old Purhan water way has capacity of 50thousand causes but district administration is not taking proper measure to remove encroachments from old water ways.
Qazi Inumallah Khan Save The Children,  two major  crops were damaged in 2011 rain flood devastation and its affected six taulkas  and majority of people in rural areas are food insecure .
Inumallah Khan of Save the children NGO, said that so far breaches of LBOD drains could not completely be plugged by irrigation drainage department in district Mirpurkhas and district administration should provide correct map of district Mirpurkhas for preparation of any kind of plant . He said that 40 raise platform were being constructed at different places to save the masses from any flood condition by Save the children while raises schools were also being provided facilities including bathrooms, drinking water etc so that in future IDPs could get basic facilities in flood camps . He suggested that district administration should setup control room in safer areas keeping in view of experience of past flooding in district and said during 2011 rain flooding district control room office was submerged under heavy rain water 
 He said that during 2011 rain flooding humanitarian organizations have observed that both revenue and education departments staff were well connected with communities and there is need of to setup separate roasters of education and health staffs in each taulka of district .
He added that district administration further strengthen capacity buildings of school headmasters to train them that they can maintain properly registration record of IDPS.He added that relief camps should be established in those government buildings which are located at safer places and have boundary walls and have proper facilities of electricity. 
  Ameer Ali Shar of Bhandar Harri Sangat charged  that mostly administrative officers were corrupt and they were unable to implement on contingency plan with sincerity while stressed need to own the problems even on village level to face any kind of disasters. He further said that people should themselves act for their safety during any disasterAmmer Bakash Shar – 2011 rain flood was manmade in district and due to encroachments on old water ways rain flood water was stagnant in rural and urban areas.
 Additional deputy commissioner Mirpurkhas ii, Agha Nabeel Akthar said that natural disasters increasing in the world as recently different countries were already facing flood and other kind of disasters. He expressed that there were different causes of disasters including increasing temperature of earth and melting of ice of mountains. He told that state was help within its resources to the disaster victims while provided infrastructures, constructions of dams, roads, electricity, food etc. However all the masses should be aware already the risk of disaster and face bravely any disaster by adopting precautionary measures.
He added that it’s not responsibility of lawmakers of Sindh to do development works but they are assigned to do legislation but district administration due to political involvement not implemented its designed plans to remove encroachments from old water ways. Participants of workshop adopted charter of demands in workshop which read out by PDI Saleem Abbasi and presented to Additional Deputy Commissioner of Mirpurkhas District.

PDI research officer said that purpose of PDI and Oxfam Novib holding this on District Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 to incorporate suggestions of communities and created awareness among all key stakeholders of district including different segments   of civil society representatives to raise those issues which were not highlighted in District Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 prepared by district administration.       
PDI  is strongly believe in Participatory approach and firm believe that district administration adopting participatory approach to involve communities at grass root levels can effectively make Disaster Contingency Plan 2012 to mitigate risks of natural hazards in district .
  Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) research officer Saleem Abbasi in his introduction of workshop told participants of workshop regarding PDI and said that before drafting the 2012 Disaster Contingency Plan  , PDI team held advocacy meetings with district administrations, civil society representatives .Presenting his analytical view on District Disaster 2012 Contingency Plan drafted by district administration and presented brief description of district and said that district has comprised of six Taulka    Mirpurkhas, Sindhri, Hussain Bux Mari, Kot Ghulam Muhammad, Digri and Jhudo.
He shared participants of workshop of major components of Disaster Contingency Planning and after presented his analysis on 2012 Disaster Contingency Plan Drafted by District Administration.  He added that government has mentioned same low lying areas and vulnerable points, roles and responsibilities which were mentioned in 2011 Disaster Contingency Plan drafted by district administration.He added that even in 2011 district administration has worst experience of rain flooding in both rural and urban areas of district but it’s shocking that in 2012 disaster contingency Planning District administration did not define Scenarios Building.    He added that in action plan district administration did not mention about to remove encroachments from old natural water ways and how it would be restore Dhoro Puran. He added that there is no participation of community voice and suggestions despite in 2011 communities suffered due to ill conceived disaster contingency planning of district administration. He added that district administration even not mentioned budget estimates for disaster preparedness and measures have neither been specified nor allocated against the contingency plan 2012. He added that no names of the high surface areas have been mentioned in the Contingency Plan where as low lying areas have been mentioned. He added that situation of the inventory of the relief items, necessary supplies and equipments and volunteer trained staff did not mention in 2012 Disaster Contingency Plan made by district administration. There is lack of coordination among flood related departments and no effective working relationship between District Administrations and SIDA found to remove the irrigation vulnerable points in the District. District Administrations can just propose where as the implementation is the issue. Mohammad Saleem Abbasi said that government had prepared contingency plan but without taking confidence and incorporating suggestions of communities’ district administration in case of heavy rain flooding not implemented it and to mitigate the losses of  rain flooding in absence of sold contingency according to standards well defined  by international humantrain relief agencies .     
Advocate Naeem Talupr former secretary of Mirpurkhas Bar Association has said district administration has not consulted with representatives of civil society organizations to make disaster contingency planning for district 2012.He said that even there is lack of coordination among administration departments and there is no understanding between SCDA, Irrigation and District administration. He added mostly district Mirpurkhas affected due to poor planning and development of district administrations. He added that district administration only encroachments from old natural water ways removing huts of poor people but not read to demolish illegal construction and occupation of land of old water ways by big land lords and influential persons of district.  
Qamar Senior Journalist of Dawn despite district administration has spent lot funds on repairing of breaches but did very sub-standard work in district. He added that due to silt deposited in water canals and drainage system communities have faced disaster in 2011 rain flood and it was manmade disaster not natural disaster. He added that more than fifteen years desilting work  in canals carried out by district administration after 2011 rain flooding .
He suggested that district administration not cut budget which allocated for disaster preparedness and not diverted budget which allocated for disaster related plans. He added that in district administration 50 percent work was done disaster related departments in districts of damaged infrastructure.Director Jagirta organization Khalid Babbar said that district administration did not take into confidence to the masses and civil society in preparing the contingency plan of the district while he expressed his grievances regarding ongoing desilting work of LBOD drains and Natural ways of water.
Khalid Babbar Jaggarta organization, local organizations held series of meeting with local administration but administration never shared contingency plan with civil society representatives. He added that communities always suffered during the rain flood devastation and he added that still administration not provided any compensate to those who lost their lives during rain flood 2011. He added that old Purhan water way has capacity of 50thousand causes but district administration is not taking proper measure to remove encroachments from old water ways.
 Qazi Inumallah Khan Save The Children,  two major  crops were damaged in 2011 rain flood devastation and its affected six taulkas  and majority of people in rural areas are food insecure .
Inumallah Khan of Save the children NGO, said that so far breaches of LBOD drains could not completely be plugged by irrigation drainage department in district Mirpurkhas and district administration should provide correct map of district Mirpurkhas for preparation of any kind of plant . He said that 40 raise platform were being constructed at different places to save the masses from any flood condition by Save the children while raises schools were also being provided facilities including bathrooms, drinking water etc so that in future IDPs could get basic facilities in flood camps . He suggested that district administration should setup control room in safer areas keeping in view of experience of past flooding in district and said during 2011 rain flooding district control room office was submerged under heavy rain water. 
  He said that during 2011 rain flooding humanitarian organizations have observed that both revenue and education departments staff were well connected with communities and there is need of to setup separate roasters of education and health staffs in each taulka of district .
He added that district administration further strengthen capacity buildings of school headmasters to train them that they can maintain properly registration record of IDPS.

He added that relief camps should be established in those government buildings which are located at safer places and have boundary walls and have proper facilities of electricity.   Ameer Ali Shar of Bhandar Harri Sangat charged  that mostly administrative officers were corrupt and they were unable to implement on contingency plan with sincerity while stressed need to own the problems even on village level to face any kind of disasters. He further said that people should themselves act for their safety during any disaster  Ammer Bakash Shar – 2011 rain flood was man-made in district and due to encroachments on old water ways rain flood water was stagnant in rural and urban areas.
 Additional deputy commissioner Mirpurkhas ii, Agha Nabeel Akthar said that natural disasters increasing in the world as recently different countries were already facing flood and other kind of disasters. He expressed that there were different causes of disasters including increasing temperature of earth and melting of ice of mountains. He told that state was help within its resources to the disaster victims while provided infrastructures, constructions of dams, roads, electricity, food etc. However all the masses should be aware already the risk of disaster and face bravely any disaster by adopting precautionary measures.
He added that it’s not responsibility of lawmakers of Sindh to do development works but they are assigned to do legislation but district administration due to political involvement not implemented its designed plans to remove encroachments from old water ways. Participants of workshop adopted charter of demands in workshop which read out by PDI Saleem Abbasi and presented to Additional Deputy Commissioner of Mirpurkhas District.